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Postcards from Fanjeux & Mirapoix

Information on Fanjeux & Mirapoix to be added to this guide
Located near Montreal, Fanjeux is worth a quick visit just to see the medieval market place. The church is pretty impressive to especially when the bells strike midday. Look out for the dog on a hot day he sleeps in the road and only wakes up to bark at the bell peal before going back to sleep. He is in the last photo, just before he woke up. Fanjeux is a 30 minute drive away and if you loop through Mirapoix its a round trip of 75 minutes

Combine this with a more worthwhile visit to Mirapoix. Now this well worth a visit and if you hit the right Sunday in the month you will get to visit the Flea Market which dominates the Town Square or more technically the Bastide Square as this type of square is called where there is an overhang walkway.




Razes. The views seen between Limoux & Mirapoix

30 minute drive from Limoux

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